Our Team
Marigold (Destiny Sow)
Marigold is the star of the show. She wasn’t our first Idaho Pasture Pig but she was a celebrity in our minds. We jumped at the opportunity to add her to our breeding program when her previous owners reached out to us. She’s a big girl and produces some of our very best breeders and chunkiest feeders.
Chris (Chris Sow)
Chris is an example of our immense creativity when it comes to naming pigs. She comes from the “Chris” sow line. TaDa! Don't let her lack of a good name fool you though. She is a great girl and has proven herself a great mother with her first litter of 9 in the spring of 2024. She is currently expecting her second litter with our Triton Boar. Due date is around the end of February 2025. This lovely girl is available if the right home came along. A proven mom that’s bred to a stunning cream boar. Contact the farm with questions or start the process of adding her to your homestead.
Charlotte (Sparkle Sow)
Charlotte was the girl that started it all. She was our “test” in the IPP world to see if we wanted to make the switch from AGH to IPP. Within a month of owning her we had committed to transform our entire farm over AND expand our pastured pig program to accomodate a larger number. Charlotte fits the breed standard to perfection from size to temperament to mothering abilities. Her babies have proven to take on her traits with sweet breeding stock and beefy babes.
Zena (Pepper Gilt)
Oh my sweet sweet Zena. I didn’t pick you… you picked me. I knew I wanted to retain one from Zena’s litter but I wasn’t sold on a particular baby. Retaining all of the gilts from this litter, the remaining ones would be feeders. One day I laid my hand on her back and she dropped to the ground after receiving very little personal attention throughout her young life. From that moment on she was a puppy dog at my feet and the deal was sealed. Zena is expecting her first litter in Feb/March and is exposed to our Dave boar (son of Marigold). We couldn’t be more excited for this stunning matchup. (Pic coming soon)
Nellie (Fate Gilt)
Well if you have watched Little House on the Prairie… you know where I’m going with this. This ball of SASS is named appropriately! Blond, beautiful, and full of spunk. She's the daughter of Biscuit, mother of the famous Trojan. She’s going to be a big girl when fully grown, just like both of her parents. Right now she is expecting her first litter in March and has been exposed to our Dave boar, Clyde.
Grace (Jodi Sow)
This girl is the perfect, trouble free girl. She’s sweet and often we feel like she’s “just there”. She gets along with everyone. She isn’t loud. She just sort of hangs out. She had a bit of trouble with her first litter with one getting stuck and causing the remaining piglets to perish. While our policy is usually zero tolerance for things like this, we loved her so much we decided to give her another chance. I’m so glad we did because she just had her second litter without trouble and is proving to be an excellent mother. All of that said, we have considered selling her as we find the the need to downsize a bit to better fit our new property. This is a tough one and I’m so so picky when finding new homes for great girls like her. If you think she could be a good fit for your homestead, reach out to the farm to chat. She could be exposed before leaving. A small family farm/homestead where she’ll get lots and lots of treats and hugs only!
Wilbur (Bandit Boar)
Our very first IPP boar. Wilbur was the original pairing for Charlotte and we purchased them on the same roadtrip from two separate farms. This boy is as sweet and funny as they come. A wonderful father both in fertility and in his gentle nature when allowed to hang out with the family. He’s just wonderful and can even be in the pen with both of the other boars without trouble. (New pics coming soon as he has matured drastically since this photo was taken.)
Clyde (Dave Boar)
Clyde is the first piglet retained from Marigold after arriving here on our farm. He’s a big, sweet boy and just fathered his first litter with Grace. These may be the most stunning piglets we’ve ever had and cannot wait to see how his litters turn out with our Nellie & Zena in the early spring. (Pics coming soon!)
Sundrop (Triton Boar)
I’ve admired this boy through Social Media for some time and had even planned to purchase one of his offspring in the next season….. But then his previous owner decided they needed to downsize and I was ecstatic to have the opportunity to bring the well known boar, Sundrop, home to Porky Pastures. He has bred both Chris & Marigold for our most exciting breeding season ever. You’re going to want to stay tuned for this!
Security Detail
These girls rule the roost! They are sweet and wonderful yet massively protective of their home, their family, and their charges. They take their jobs seriously and we count on them for the security and protection that is needed for a rural location with lots of predators. The farm just wouldn’t be the same without these spunky pups.
Sweet Speckles & Rain
Oh this girl has our hearts. Speckles came to us on accident lol. She was a bottle baby that sort of came with another cow that we purchased. Little did we know that this funny girl would steal our hearts unlike any other cow and would become our primary milk cow. She just birthed her first baby over the summer. We named her Rain because there was a large rainbow over her as she was being born. Speckles is a purebred Holstein and her baby is ½ Dutch Belt.
Greta, Dutch Belted Cow
My favorite milk cow. BUT - if you’d have told me I’d say that a year ago, I wouldn’t have believed you. We purchased her in 2023 and we had rough start. She hated me. Plain and simple haha. She was willing to do pretty much anything to never, ever be my milk cow. I’m not even really sure how or why things changed but I gave her another try after we moved and it was like a she turned into a different cow. She pleasantly walked into the stanchion, munched on a snack and let me milk her…. She’s been like that every since. My favorite, most enjoyable dairy cow…
Katahdin Hair Sheep
A fun and easy way to keep the lamb freezer stocked - katahdin hair sheep are hardy and easy to maintain. They play well with others and fill our fields with beautiful little babies every spring.
Turkey - Yum!
We raised small batch of turkeys each year for the holidays. This year we are retaining a few of the nicest birds to see if we can reproduce them here on the farm. Stay tuned to see how this experiment goes. I’ve heard mixed reviews on their parenting abilities.
More bios coming soon!
Our fields are full of fun friends. We’ll be adding new bios periodically. Check back to learn more about “Our Team”!
Our Spring Litter Lineup
Marigold (HHS Destiny I0232) x Sundrop (LPH Triton J1088)
Litter COI: 1.43%
Due: Late February - March
Chris (WBF Chris K1338) x Sundrop (LPH Triton J1088)
Litter COI: 3.03%
Due: Late February - March
Charlotte (MRF Sparkle J5446) x Wilbur (FOF Bandit J4538)
Litter COI: 3.8%
Due: Late February - March
Zena (PPW Pepper K6462) x Clyde (PPW Dave K6904)
Litter COI: 2.29%
Due: Late February - March
Nellie (PPW Fate L0896) x Clyde (PPW Dave K6904)
Litter COI: 3.18%
Due: Late February - March
Grace (ALF Jodi J4906) x Clyde (PPW Dave K6904)
Litter COI: 3.74%
Due: April - May
Livestock Reservation Form
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