Your First Step
Simplify Your Pig Startup
You’ll Learn How To:
↠ Properly feed and water your pastured pigs.
↠ Provide adequate shelter & fencing so that your pigs are safe and secure.
↠ Have a simple plan for getting starting started right away.
Are You Ready To?
Learn The Basics
The 4 topics you’ll learn about this course will give you the foundation you need to get started.
Grow Your Confidence
You’ll no longer feel lost about where to start. By the end of this course, you’ll know that you can do this.
Make Decisions That Succeed
You will walk away with a simple startup plan to hit the ground running on day one. You’ll know how to tailer the plan for your situation and your environment. We’ll take the guesswork out of it.
“I am a doubter when it comes to paying someone to teach me something, particularly if I feel like I can get the information I need for free. However, my husband convinced me that Christina’s class was absolutely necessary for learning how to raise pigs. As always, he was right. In her class, I felt like I was drinking from a fire hydrant of knowledge. It substantially boosted my confidence in my ability to raise pigs. Knowledge, however, isn’t all I received from Christina’s class. A relationship was established – one that has encouraged me when I have questioned my abilities, troubleshooted with me when I have experienced any issues, and has always (and patiently) offered sound advice. I can say without hesitation that her class is invaluable, and I cannot imagine embarking on the adventure of raising pigs without the knowledge she continues to pass down to me.”
- M. Casto, Student
I already purchased my pigs, should I still take this course?
If this is your first time raising pastured pigs, yes! Even if you’ve raised pigs before, this course will give you a refresher and possibly some ideas for simplifying your setup and reviewing the basics to be sure you feel confident and have all of the necessary boxes checked.
I won’t be ready to buy pigs for a while… I’m not even sure I’ll want to. Is this course for me?
Absolutely! This course is not only great for getting started, it’s also great for helping you to make a decision on whether it’s a good fit for you in the first place! Getting an overview of the basics will allow you to have the information that you need to decide if pigs are a good fit for you at all.
If I decide to move forward, do you offer a more in depth course that will help me as I get past the basics?
YES! Make sure that you are signed up for our email newsletter and follow us on FB. Our deep dive course opens soon and you’ll want to be sure to get that invite. It will walk you through ALL of the things you’ll need to know once you’re in full swing. Everything from selecting pigs to birthing, healthcare to selling piglets. All of it!
Ready to get started?