Lard Soap, Frankincense

Sale Price:$6.00 Original Price:$8.00
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Pastured, Toxin Free Lard: 

Always from the pigs on our farm, our pastured lard is clean and pure.  Our pigs are on pasture 24/7 and are treated holistically, organically, and naturally.  Chemical free, hormone free, & antibiotic free.  While a majority of their diet is grass and forage, they are lightly supplemented with a high quality, soy-free & non-gmo grain from right here in Virginia.  

Why it’s wonderful: Saponified Lard provides the most luxurious, moisturizing lather of any oil.  The result is soft, smooth skin that feels like you just bathed in silk.  With many of the same properties as tallow, it’s moisturizing & nourishing.  Once you use our completely natural lard soap, you won’t be able to go back to anything else.  Your skin will feel clean, hydrated, and healthy!  We never use fragrance grade oils, mica powders or any other synthetic, preservative or chemical.* 

Natural Frankincense: This amazing oil has been used for centuries to treat a number of ailments and increase overall health.  With strong antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, Frankincense is used to protect from infections, internal and external wounds as well as protecting against pathogens.  Many see an improvement in scarring, uneven skin, aging spots, and even stretch marks.**

Organic Lavender: Known for its impressive ability to reduce stress & anxiety as well as aid in sleep, we love this wonderful smelling herb. It is also widely accepted for its anti-inflammatory qualities, antiseptic ability, and help in preventing or reversing hair loss.  For these reasons, we use lavender in several of our signature products.**

Organic Lemongrass: Known as an antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-fungal and astringent, lemongrass is great for infections, cleansing, protecting, and strengthening the skin tissues and pores.**

Organic Rosehip Oil: Rosehip oil contains Vitamins A, C, & F as well as several different fatty acids.  Rosehip oil is often used to smooth out discolorations on the skin, fine lines, and aging spots. 

Citations & Disclaimers

*While the above mentioned tallow facts are widely discussed, studied, and accepted, these statements can be verified and credited on the site.

** The information mentioned above regarding the use of herbs is widely discussed and accepted, supported by studies as well as testimonies in all cases.  Two places to further research these statements include &  Both of these locations discuss these topics and site numerous articles and studies that support these statements.  

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We are not medical professionals.  The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and should be independently researched.  Nothing on our site should be used as medical advice nor should it take the place of doing your own research and/or consulting with a trusted health professional. 

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